货号 | 产品名称 | 英文名称 | CAS号 | 产品特征 |
Js10014-1g | 链霉蛋白酶 | Pronase E | 9036-06-0 | BR,4000u/mg |
链霉蛋白酶来源:灰色链霉菌。 Unite definition: The unit of non-specific protease activity is in general the enzyme activity that increases the rate of release of folin-positive amino acids and peptides from casein at a temperature of 40°C and pH 7.5 by a quantity equivalent to a given amount of tyrosine per minute. For the unit designated ‘U’, that quantity of tyrosine is 1 µmol/min
储存条件: -20℃
溶解性: 易溶于盐水和稀盐溶液。
链霉蛋白酶用途: 裂开蛋白质的肽键,有*的蛋白水解作用,能水解纤维蛋白、黏蛋白。
【质量承诺】: 非人为造成的产品质量问题,视具体情况,我司负责退货换货。